UAE man taking drugs to make his three wives happy

In the court of the emirate of Sharjah, the case of a man who used drugs to satisfy his three wives is heard.

A citizen of one of the Persian Gulf countries who appeared before the court of the Emirate of Sharjah, UAE, said that he began to use drugs for his three wives.

The man was charged with methamphetamine, known in the UAE as “shebu”. During the hearing, the accused tried to convince the court that he had used the drug to please his wives and avoid problems.

The 40-year-old defendant told the court that he had turned to a friend for help since he started having family problems after his third marriage. The man wanted to "restore the respect of wives." A friend suggested a medicine for him that would provide the man with energy and make him hyperactive. He also promised that the substance would help forget about financial problems. A friend of the accused claimed that drug use would not entail any problems.

At first, the defendant, he said, did not know that the drug was banned in accordance with the laws of the UAE.

“After that, encouraged by the wives who felt strong in me because of the use of the drug, I started buying the drug,” he said.

Although the man later found out that the drug was banned, he still did not understand that its use was illegal. The accused asked the court for leniency.

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