An initiative group of residents of Abu Dhabi cleared beaches and water from a ton of garbage

A group of environmentally conscious residents of Abu Dhabi cleanse beaches and ponds on their own initiative.

Having once gone to sea on a boat, a resident of Abu Dhabi, Simonia Sinclair, was horrified to see piles of garbage floating in sea water. But instead of forgetting what she saw, a 49-year-old housewife of British descent decided to take control of the issue.

She contacted friends and acquaintances, and soon an initiative group was formed that uses sea transport for self-cleaning.

"We made five trips, each for about three to four hours, and we managed to get 1,147 kilograms of garbage from seawater and from the beaches," Sinclair said.

“We dig up trash using fishing nets and collect thousands of bottle caps, plastic cans, containers, bottles and meters of nylon ropes. Most of this appears to have lain in water or on beaches for a long period of time and breaks up as soon as we touch, which complicates the cleaning process, "she said.

During the last two races, the group was assisted by the owner of a Bangladeshi company, who provided his truck for transporting garbage.

Watch the video: MUF2019 Citizen Initiative. Working with the residents' ideas and designing the perfect . . (May 2024).