The first UAE satellite successfully launched into space

 July 29, 2009 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazakhstan), the first state-owned remote sensing satellite DubaiSat-1 ("DubaiSat-1") of the United Arab Emirates was successfully launched.

The Emirate satellite launched aboard the Russian-Ukrainian Dnepr launch vehicle at 10:46 a.m. UAE time. The satellite was placed in the bow of the launch vehicle along with five other spacecraft: Deimos-1 and NanoSat-1V from Spain, UK DMS-2 from the UK, ApraizeSat-3 and ApraizeSat-4 from USA. DubaiSat-1 will rotate in 680 km orbit of the Earth at a speed of 27 thousand km / h.

Recall that the Emirates Institute for Advanced Science & Technology (EIAST) intends to use its first satellite to conduct research in four areas: monitoring the weather, forecasting the occurrence of fog and sandstorms and observing water quality in the Persian Gulf. The images obtained from the DubaiSat-1 satellite are planned to be used in the development of urban development projects, in scientific research, transport and telecommunications, civil engineering, cartographic surveys and when working with a graphic information system.

Watch the video: Nayif-1, UAE's first CubeSat Successfully Launched Successfully into Space (July 2024).