Chopard new concept

After the reconstruction, a boutique of the Swiss luxury watch and jewelry manufacturer Chopard reopened in Dubai. The boutique is located on the third floor of the shopping center and covers an area of ​​more than 50 m2. A new concept developed in 2007 was used in its design. Chopard watches, jewelry and accessories are presented to buyers here.

Note that to date, this famous Swiss watch manufacturer has opened six branded boutiques in Dubai, but only in this, when designing the interior, the new Chopard Boutiques design was used. Globally, Chopard owns 130 branded boutiques located in various major cities of the world, including Geneva, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Beijing, Paris, Dubai, London, New York, Saint Barthélemy, as well as 1,600 outlets.

Watch the video: Chopard ICE CUBE Embellished Eyewear. How it's Made - with (July 2024).